Believe it or not, the official website for the jehovahs witnesses is actually the most translated website in the world. The bible is a collection of ancient religious texts. The complete bible has been translated into more than 400 languages, and portions of it have been translated into over 2,000 languages and dialects. Learning a new language with the worlds most famous books. Most translated books best, greatest of everything.
At least one book of the bible has been translated into 2,883 languages. Translated works and authors database at the unesco website 50 of the worlds most translated books, infographic prepared by the translation company group full list of sources included the most translated authors in the world. How many languages do we even need to learn before we can be able to read certain. According to wycliffe bible translators, in october 2017, 3,312 languages had access to at least a book of the bible, including 1,121 languages with a book or more, 1,521 language groups with access to the new testament in their native language and 670 the full bible. Originally written in biblical languages of hebrew, aramaic, and greek, the bible has been translated into 531 languages as of 2014.
This is a list of literary works sorted by the number of languages they have been translated into. Unsurprisingly, childrens books and fairy tales dominate the list of the most translated books throughout history. The 5 most translated literary texts in the world 1. Besides having been translated into 469 languages, the bible is the most read and sold book in the history of the world. For example, if you consider the book both old and new testaments as a whole, the complete bible has been translated into 670 languages. This series of seven fantasy novels chronicles the adventures of a young wizard. We have found and listed 20 of the most translated texts throughout history. This famous childrens book has been translated into about 300 languages since it was first published in 1942, making it the 2nd most. Foreign language books skip to main search results. This religious text was first published in the united states in 1830 and is used by followers of the latter day saint movement, better known as mormons. The 20 most translated texts in history ingco international. Apart from being the most translated book in the world, the bible also holds the record for being the most read and bought book to date.
The most translated book in the world is the rhapsody of realities, written by pastor chris oyakhilome phd. The top 10 most translated books in the world eurotrad. There are many who would name the bible as the most translated book of all. Pippi longstocking tells the story of a young orphaned girl with crazy red pigtails. So, the most authentic book translated into the most number of languages, is the thirukkurrall, making thiruvalluvar naayanaar the most translated author as well. Are you looking for a book written in your target language. The book has been translated in over 660 languages of the world. Top ten translated books of all time lintelligence artificielle. List of literary works by number of translations wikipedia. Most translators know that the bible is the most translated book ever. The most translated books in the world have a lot in common. It is estimated by wycliffe bible translators that translation may be. However, what they dont know is that the number of bible translations varies depending on how you count the translations.
Originally written in portuguese in 1988 by brazilian author paulo coelho, this book has been translated into 67 languages. List of most translated individual authors list of bestselling books index translationum. Reading is fundamental for the progress of language. The most translated books in human history quicksilver translate.
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